Happy Wednesday Folks!!
I am sure if anyone actually checks this blog they must notice the influx of posts recently....Well I have been trying a little harder so there.
Last night I was the first rehearsal of a Flamenco band I was recruited for out of New Haven. Some serious cats in this band! The instrumentation is me on brass, classical guitar, cello and tablas and tunes written by the members. The group sounded great! Even with tunes fluctuating between 9/8 to 7/8 to 5/8 to 3/4 meter in one section of music, it has been nonetheless enjoyable and challenging. Stay tuned, we have a performance coming up soon!
So i have been showing the Jungle Book to my students this week because at first I was behind on my grades and such and thought I deserved, and so did the kids, a little break. Well this has become quite a hit in class. I have kids dancing and singing in class. Its funny how some things work so well with them when something very similar doesn't. For instance, I did a rhythmic lesson with them last week using the rhythms from West Side Story's tune "America" and the kids loved it. We chanted, clapped and moved to the switching rhythmic groups that make up the song. Then I showed West Side Story and the kids lashed out in complete revolt!! I put on a cartoon no matter how old and they get so into it.....
...or is it because the Jungle Book just has amazing music to it??
The Bare Necessities is by far one of the best, catchiest songs ever composed. It puts me in such a good mood every time I hear it!! The kids have been singing it in the hallways. Its like God Damn Sesame Street in the building!!
Any way, enjoy your hump day folks, go download the Bare Necessities and scratch your back, the weekend is almost here.