Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Art of Devotion

I've found myself lately in a musical rut. I hadn't been able to find the appropriate amount of time to practice my horn at what I consider an "efficient" level.

I hate saying that phrase "find the time to practice" because I do agree with most that, that phrase is bull shit. However, I stick the word "appropriate" in there to show that I am coming from another point of view.

What I am trying to say is that my desire to excel at my instrument is a complete obsession. There's not a moment that goes by that I don't think about fact I'm doing it right now.

About a month ago I felt like, with the help of Dr. Henderson, I was getting to a whole new level. Then soon after, felt like I was plateauing and not getting better. Then all last week and a little before I felt stagnate; the tunes I had started working on still unlearned and the concepts I wanted under my fingers not accomplished.

I decided this week to buckle down and no matter how many hours I've worked, how many distractions I have, to give my horn the "appropriate" time. I noticed that in the last two days how good playing has made me feel. Usually by Wednesday I am completely zombified. Not today, today I feel good.

My religion is to my craft. The craft of making music and finding solace in what I have devoted my life to do.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday Album Covers: Tom Harrell

You would never suspect by this photo, that there is a troubled mind behind that horn.

This is the best picture I could find, but I insist you check out his new album.