Hey folks,
Yes you read that right, after long and very sincere thinking I blame my ipod for the reasons why I can not make a single decision in life.
just kidding....
lil bit....
Seriously though I was updating my ipod tonight when I started noticing I was deleting very little off of what I believe to be the strongest ipod ever made. i say it is the strongest because I bought this ipod second hand back in 2006 for $50. It was only meant to be a temporary replacement when my 20 gig died. (yeah remember the 20 gigs)
When I bought it, it was already really scratched up and the USB port was damaged. Despite all these soon to come to fruition problems I grabbed it because I was hoping to save the money for a replacement within the next 6 months. Well that six months turned into 3 years, maybe even 4 at this point now that I think about it....yeah it may have been 2005, who knows.
I've dropped this ipod, stepped on it and gotten water on it numerous times and its still going strong. Its outlived every other ipod I had before it combined and bought it second hand even! One tough little motherfucker if I do say so myself.
Anyway, this ipod is a 30 gig and it was completely filled about just over half of my current CD collection. **side note: most of the tunes on it are jazz, an average jazz song is about 6 minutes long so I only have 3,978 songs currently on it (after most current deletion so i probably had well over 4,000)
Everytime I look at my ipod to make a random choice I feel a small amount of anxiety, ya know that butterfly feeling in your gut. I get this way because I think about the enormity of the song selection within my grasp! Everything from Art Blakey to Zorn, Debussy to Led Zepplin, its all there and I can never make a choice. I usually listen to the same 5 cds all the time but still 5 cds out of God knows how many hundred!
Most of the time I get so aggravated I listen to a couple single rock songs first or the Temptations to ease myself into choosing an album. Alot of the time I switch songs mid song! Uggghhh!! not cool
So I feel that every hard decision I've had to make isn't hard at all but because of this terrible habit from this awesome piece of technology I can't choose anything. Whether its deciding on which soda flavor to drink or where to hang out on a weekend or which song to practice I can not decide without rethinking that idea again and again. So I blame you: my ipod, Fuck you, you wonderful bastard. Because of you I may listen

....if I could only make up my mind