I am currently listening to Woody Shaw's album Woody III on vinyl that I just got for 50 cents at a record store I am keeping the name of hidden because I am taking a close friend there for his triumphant....monumental....huge....medium-sized...unnoticed return home in a few weeks.
Upon first listening, I wasn't really digging the first side which is a 3 part suite entitled Woody I, Woody II, Woody III. On the cover is Woody with his dad and infant son which is a nice theme for a 3 piece record. The first track is apparently mature sounding, reflecting his wise old man. Woody II is adventurous, a fast tempo and exciting and the third track, Woody III sounds like the theme song to a kids show on PBS. I didn't really like the third track's vibe and melody, quite honestly it sounded very hokey.
The second side however is much more worth the time of any fan's ears. The first track "To Kill A Brick" features a 'schmorgisboard' of top notch players: Rene Mclean, James Spaulding, Buster Williams and Victor Lewis. I starts off Side B with energy that makes up for the crappy ending of Side A with Woody III.
The second track, Shaw's famous "Organ Grinder" is medium-up with the tempo and has been recorded by Wood many times before. Its classic Woody Shaw: angular, airy and very well developed. Its a great tune and even reminds me of a Jeremy Pelt composition...the title is escaping

The last track, "Escape Velocity" is a perfect name for an album closer, especially at such a brisk tempo. Carter Jefferson takes a solo that sounds on fire, with that 'school of Coltrane' vibe going on. I always enjoyed his playing on the Woody Shaw albums I have. Wood comes in right away after Jefferson and sounds like a cat in control. This late 70's period, Wood seemed to enjoy the cornet over the trumpet more and for those of you who don't know, the cornet and trumpet, although cousins are completely 2 different beasts....but Wood has mastered both in an unique style. Wood's playing sounds linear and concise and lastly, Victor Lewis is a sick drummer....is all I have to say about his playing on this track.
Although I am more of a fan of Wood's early 70's albums like Song of Songs and Blackstone Legacy which were more avant-garde than his 80's works like "Imagination" or "Solid", there really isn't an album that is unsatisfying. Check out Little Red's Fantasy or the Live Series to here some amazing playing as well.
Last Friday night, I was able to take out my lovely girlfriend to Firehouse 12 in New Haven to catch the Peter Evans Quartet. I didn't know much about the group, just that they were kind of 'out there.' With an arrangement of a classic ballad called "Bodies and Souls," how could I not attend.
May I take a minute to also brag that my wonderful girlfriend has accompanied me on multiple jazz concerts of all varieties. Yes she has, from avant-garde jazz to rained out concerts in Central Park, I've got it made. So Jazzers believe me when I tell you that there are beautiful women who do enjoy great music, but watch out all you Steve Martin fans, I've got this one for good.
Anyway, the show on Friday was awesome despite never hearing the group before. The band started with Evans playing on trumpet, the most chop-crazy intro I've ever heard. I was happy to tell him it sounded like the Arban's exercise from Hell. It started out as a weak, out of tune G but quickly developed into a frenzy of trills, runs and half valving that had me jumping in my seat! The band played for 45 minutes straight, their first tune was a rendition of "All The Things You Are" that I thought at one point I heard the bridge too but the tune was so out there I was surprised to hear it mentioned. The other 3 pieces were equally enthralling. The performance was more of an experience of sound and mood than melody and harmony. I myself welcome music of this kind but understand most people wouldn't be able to stand it.
I am excited for the new Black Keys album that came out this month stay tuned for the review. Also I was only able to catch a fraction of the Ethan Iverson Trio at Small's the other night, if anyone has anything to say about it please send your thoughts @ someotherstuffmusic@gmail.com. The band will play tonight as well via live feed so if you can check it out.
Last but not least, check out the Live at Smalls record series. You can buy recorded shows on disc!!
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