Hey Folks!!
Welcome back to a new year in blogdom. I hope everyone had a very nice and relaxing holiday, and I hope everyone out there was able to be blessed with the insane amount of music that I myself recieved this holiday.
Now first things first: I have, like my people out there have wondered what to call this new year "twenty-ten" "two thousand ten" who knows...but I myself feel that Twenty ten sounds too futuristic, like the human race should be fighting our robot oppressors or something.....not to forget the flying cars and hover boards...laser-pulse rifles...extraterrestrial citizens, cyborgs, mutants, etc, etc, etc...I also like this think of the new year as '010...well because 01-09 made sense and I don't remember what we called "2000" (probably just "2000") so I think '010 has a good ring to it and it still works...."Oh-Ten" Try it.
With the new year, I have been thinking about special features for the blog and giving them snazzy names to make this blog more 'official' If you are a regular reader, I doubt I have any of those, please spread the word. Some of the special features will be:
A Classic Revisted- a review\debate of an album 25 years or older.
The Vinyl Bin- Vinyl and all its wonders
Guest Bloggers
so on, so forth.
Anyway, I hope that this year will be a successful one for what I do here.
Now onto current events:
I still haven't decided if I will boycott Wynton Marsalis completely or not. I know I should just accept what Mr. Marsalis did and his blatant disrespectful actions to all musicians, but his seeking out an angry spectator at a Spanish Jazz Festival still very much erks me. If you have no idea what I am talking about, google or just plan old search anything that has recently been associated with Wynton or the Jazz Police. You can see what I posted about the manner on Green Leaf Music (www.greenleafmusic.com). Wynton has always been a very conservative, biased and sometimes irrational minded musician and as much as he has the right to say and think what he says and thinks, I feel insulted as a musician and as a fan of jazz at his constant slams at what he thinks is not real or legitimate jazz.
On a lighter note, I hope everyone will have the best of times this year to come. Stay tuned for more reviews and topics to come this week and through out the year.
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